Choosing the best font for resume is very important. You need to make a professional presentation to your prospective employer when applying for a job. It does not matter whether you are an experienced worker or a fresh graduate, you must choose the font that will appear best and be easy on the eyes. Most employers prefer clear print and they will be negatively impressed with overly decorative fonts. They may even make their decision based on what they are most accustomed to seeing in other documents. Here are some tips that will help you choose the best font for your résumé.

Remember That You Are Not Creating Poster

To begin with, remember that you are not creating poster art. Even if you are a graphic artist the cosmetic eye candy and decorative embellishments are for your portfolio. Your résumé should be straightforward. Next, remember that computer fonts are printer driven. So, when a recruiter prints out your résumé file, if the font you chose is uncommon and therefore not available on the recruiter’s printer. Their computer will choose a close second, resulting in something that is not necessarily aesthetically best.

best font for resume

Additionally, font types are either serif (with curvy pen strokes) or sans serif (without curves). Finally, fonts vary in the amount of space they occupy due to the width of the letters. This is important to know because the wrong choice can make your résumé appear too busy, or spill over to a partial additional page. 

Common Best Font for Resume

The most common and usually the best font for resume are Arial (sans serif) and Times New Roman (serif). Most employers prefer these fonts since they are easily readable and the ones with which they are most familiar. More importantly, they do not distract the reader from focusing on the résumé content. If you do not want to use what everyone else uses, you can try Verdana, Papyrus or Tahoma to give your résumé a personalized touch. These fonts are also very professional and can still look nice for your résumé.

best font for resume

Another common font for résumé s is Courier. It has sharp lines and crisp letters. However, Courier is a font that harkens back to the days when people used typewriters. It looks too old school in today’s market place. Moreover, understand that not everyone likes this type of font.

That brings up another important point to consider which is how hard a font is on the eyes, when the recruiter’s eyes are fatigued from a long day of work. It is important that you avoid using fonts like Helvetica since it is also difficult to read. A good choice is Georgia because it is perfect for people with a wide range of vision problems. This font is best if you want a font that is easily readable and easier to read.

best font for resume

Although not as popular as other fonts, Georgia is still the most common choice among most people who have vision problems. Since it is readable to most eyes, it will still give a good impression even to those with bad eyesight. Since you have no idea who the recruiter will be reading your résumé, or what their particular vision is like, this is a safe choice.

Once you find the best one, your résumé reads easier and you surely have a more appealing résumé that help you get the job.