Your Resume's Top no-nos Your resume will result in being passed over by the recruiter, at the very least. It can leave a bad impression which lingers in their memory, at the very worst. Remember, you only have one opportunity to make a first impression. We make sure it is your best. Your resume should never be guilty of the followings. Illogical, unfocused, sloppy or silly formats on your résumé. Formats should be orderly, standardized, practical and symmetrical.Formats which are too artistic with multiple fonts, borders, boxes, graphics, and other fluff, often used to hide lack of experience. It is ill-advised to think that a fancy looking résumé will camouflage absence of professional wording and content. Byte-heavy embedded pictures, photographs or URL links.Spelling errors, typos and poor grammar, syntax and punctuation.Laughably trying too hard to sound sophisticated by using words improperly and aggrandizing job titles and descriptions.Outright lying and deception with phony dates, claiming diplomas, degrees and other education on your résumé but not actually...