Do you just retype my wording or do you jazz it up? – We can tweak the wording, just “give it a coat of new paint,” or totally rewrite your resume from scratch, if that’s what you need.
Do you just do resumes or can I get cover letters, salary history, references lists, salary requirements?– We prepare all the components you will need to look for a new job.
Can I get it on disk?– Yes, USB or CD-Rom. We also email file to you and you can save on your preferred media.
What if I just want you to critique my resume and give advice, do you do that?– Yes.
Can you find me a job?– We are not an employment agency, but we can certainly make recommendations where to look.
What are your hours? Are you open on weekends?– We are open Monday-Friday, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; we are not open on weekends.
What forms of payment do you accept.– Money orders, traveler’s checks, corporate checks, debit and credit cards.
Do I pay up front, leave a deposit or what?– Full payment is required at time order is placed for resume and cover letter