An A+ cover letter for teachers is a must for a winning résumé. When you think of a teacher, you think of someone who is well educated and articulate. Has overall capability in a number of areas, but focuses on a particular specialty. Beyond their academic area of expertise, they also know how to persuasively deal with students and effectively communicate with parents.
Most importantly, they know how to write well. The idea that a teacher might have a problem writing a cover letter and résumé is hard to fathom. However, it is a common plight to be unable to ‘see the forest from the trees.’ In short, when one is working on their own résumé and cover letter it is difficult to be objective. Often have no idea where to begin. On the one hand you don’t want to come across as self-absorbed, but on the other hand you don’t want to hide in the shadows.

Being a teacher is such demanding yet fulfilling career. You can understand why schools are so picky. If you have a great résumé, and the determination to be a great teacher, why risk having your résumé passed over? Having an A+ cover letter is a surefire way to get your foot right into that door.
Try not to panic
Let’s start by looking at the cover letter which is read first. Essentially, a cover letter for teachers serves the same purpose as for anyone else. It is there to get your foot in the door for that all important interview. A teacher’s cover letter just needs to have a little more flair than your average cover letter. Having an A+ cover letter is the key to getting your résumé read. The cover letter won’t get you the job, but it gives the recruiter the incentive to look at your résumé. Read on to get some points on writing an A+ cover letter.
Writing an A+ cover letter for teachers is a little more challenging than writing a cover letter for any other job. These cover letters need to stand out a little more. because of the stiff competition for teaching positions and the expectation that a teacher can write well. Teaching positions are limited, so when one opens up it’s likely to cause a stampede. Most of the time a teaching position arises once a year and you will only get one shot at a job. These cover letters have to really prove you are better than all the rest. And to prove that you have a real passion for what you do.
So what makes up an A+ cover letter for teachers?
First and foremost, it has to be grammatically correct and have no typos, spelling or punctuation errors . While it’s a good idea for all cover letters to follow this rule, it is essential for a teacher’s cover letter. Second, make sure you are sending it to the specific individual most likely to make hiring decisions. You have the accurate spelling of their name and title, and make sure you mention the school’s name. Take it a step further and research that school. Include points about the school and say why you are seeking employed there. This works wonders because it shows you have done your homework and have a real interest in the school. It is okay to start with a generic cover letter shell that you can perfect and particularize once you have a specific opening in mind.
To write an A+ cover letter for a teacher
Another one of the biggest things that needs to come across in your cover letter is how skilled and capable you are at shaping young minds. This should be included because lets face it – this is going to be your job.
A teacher is one of the most important jobs out there. It’s also one of the toughest and your cover letter needs to reflect that you are up for that challenge. Your cover letter should also include how passionate you are about your work. Also, what impact you are having on the future leaders of their generation. An A+ cover letter can include your emotions. Especially how passionate you are about your career and how much it means to you. The cover letter is an opportunity to elaborate on your feelings by including qualitative personal details that illustrate your passion. Of course, you don’t want to emote all over the place and rather than using the word “passion” use the word “commitment.”

Furthermore, when it comes to a teacher’s cover letter, take the initiative and be creative, because that can make the difference between your résumé and the one after you. Your cover letter’s style should be adventurous, bold and even a tiny bit daring. You want to grab their attention, but know where to draw the line. Shouldn’t go overboard with fancy fonts, page styles, etc. etc. You do not need to have emogies or stars all over your cover letter to get noticed.
Lastly, please don’t forget that the whole point of the cover letter it to get your foot in the door. So make sure it’s easy for them to reach out to you by including your mobile number, email address and home address. How can they bring you in for an interview if they have no way to get in touch with you? You can take it a step further and reach out to them. Offer to follow up with them in a few days and make sure you do. Again, you are taking the initiative and that is a key characteristic in teachers.