On a resume budget?

Do you live or work in Manhattan or somewhere in the five boroughs of New York City?

Then you are in luck because Resume-Riter is a local brick-and-mortar service. We are famous for fast, excellent, thrifty resumes at rock-bottom prices. We format and professionally write top-notch resumes which are of superior quality and cost-effectively priced.

Many people mistake the term “thrifty resumes” to mean substandard, or they think if you don’t pay a lot you’re not getting someone’s best effort. 

Quite the contrary.

Paying a lot can mean you’re paying too much, or overpaying. 

Why have your resume done professionally?

How-to-books and generic software templates take longer to master and are not as effective. The smart decision is to have the writers who contributed to the programs and books put their knowledge to your benefit. They create a tailored, unique and cost-effective resume. It will make recruiters sit up and take notice and call you for an interview.

resume budget

Think of it as custom-made, designer goods at outlet prices.

If you were recently downsized due to the economy and find yourself without a job as a result, you need to watch your money, we feel your pain. Take heart!  It’s not a problem. Our resumes will make you look awesome and get you the interview and then, if you play your cards right, a better-paying job, in record time. 

Over 25,000 job-seekers can’t be wrong.

best quality resumes

That’s the number of customers (mostly from New York City) we’ve helped over the last 15 years alone by creating strong, accurate résumés that showcase skills effectively and inexpensively. Additionally, they keep coming back for updates to their resume as their careers progress. Some relocate out-of-state or overseas but even then they all contact us to help them. Their family and friends get a top-quality, thrifty resume for a really great price.  In some cases for instance, we’re seeing the second generation of a family, soon to be the third, for instance, offering them the same effective, inexpensive resumes with smart content and aesthetics.

Why our prices so affordable?

It’s simple!  

Firstly, we keep our overhead low.  
Secondly, we have been preparing top quality résumés for so long that we have perfected the way to do them efficiently.  
And, thirdly, we do such high volume — through good times and bad — because of extremely high word-of-mouth referrals that we are able to steeply discount the market rate and pass the savings along to you — our next valuable, very happy client. You can stay within your resume budget.

Moreover the formula is easy: More volume with less expense equals affordable resume prices.

affordable resume

Everyone loves a bargain!

New Yorkers are famous for sniffing out hidden treasures, like a bloodhound.  We all keep our eye on the stores for a good sale, or shop with coupons, or check out the newest outlet mall. Résumé-Riter is your bargain store for resumes.

Actually, we are the most under-priced in New York City. 

Don’t believe us? Check around!  

Most importantly, nobody has more affordable resumes and better quality in New York City.  In other words, it makes good business sense to give top value at a low price so you can stay within your resume budget.  This helps you to be successful in your job search and makes us successful, as well. 

In conclusion, remember Résumé-Riter for fast, quality, affordable résumés in New York City.